




S.N.A GLOCALS TRADING LIMITED is a 100% Cypriot company established in Nicosia. The main focus of the company has been the trade over Green Line; from north to south and from south to north of the line. The company expanded its activities all over the island through the Regulations (EC) No. 866/2004 of 29/04/2004 and (EC) No. 1480/2004 of 10/08/2004 adopted by the European Council, so-called the Green Line Regulations, which governs the trade between the companies in the areas which are under the effective control of Republic of Cyprus and which are not. Our company has become an expert in creating brands, selling, marketing and providing logistics services for wholly produced products in the areas which are not under the effective control of the Republic of Cyprus to the areas under the Republic control.

Along with our island, due to the Coronavirus pandemic, it is obvious that nothing will be the same; in the meantime, entire economical activities have come to a stop, supply/demand balances have collapsed, supply chains have been directly affected. Within this context, supporting local production, fast product and service supply and keeping the national income in the economy has never been more important than ever. Using the competitive advantage, increasing the production using economies of scale and using the existing potential at maximum in the island will offer us tremendous opportunities to turn this crisis upside down as well as create more partnerships on the side. Right at this point,, an establishment of S.N.A GLOCALS TRADING LIMITED, is created to bring manufacturers from the areas which are not under the effective control of the Republic of Cyprus and potential buyers from the Republic where they will have an opportunity to trade on a simple, fast and reliable database platform.

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